I Am Hope

Taking Hope Home

Stanley Abie

Stanley graduated from HIU in December, 2019, and returned to his homeland to share the gospel.

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Michael Barsamian

Proverbs 22:6, “教养孩童,使他走当行的道," encourages parents to raise their children in a way that is Christ-centered But what happens when a child is not introduced to Christ?

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Wes Beavis

"I firmly believe that we cannot adequately address the reality of pastor mental health if we don't talk about it," Dr. 比维斯强调说.

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Kurt Berger

在阅读了《手机版下载》这本书之后," Kurt Berger (BA '90) became painfully aware of the great need for effective evangelism around the world. 就这样,他开始转变为一名传教士.

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Steve Blake

Born in Kinsgston, Jamaica, 父亲是牙买加人,母亲是英国人, Steve Blake (MA '15)移民到美国上大学.

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Mariah Bliss

"Within the last 5 years, God has been teaching me about the beauty of time and patience."

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Steve Carter

Steve Carter (B.A. '02) is the co-lead pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL.

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Bob Carter

Bob (BA '82) and Amy Carter have served with Wycliffe Bible Translators for 36 years, 在此期间,鲍勃在非洲的15个国家工作过, Asia, Europe, 太平洋和美洲.

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Gayla Congdon

Gayla (BA '77, MA '89) and Scott Congdon founded Amor Ministries 40 years ago out of their passion to serve poverty-stricken families in the slums of Mexico.

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Pete Contreras

当皮特·孔特雷拉斯和他的妻子, 1990年毕业的朱莉(Julie)感受到了城市事工的召唤, 没有“城市部”这个词,而是新异象基督徒团契, 自2008年以来,他们在哪里服役, has established a remarkable and diverse ministry in the urban community of San Diego.

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H.O.M.E. for Orphans

Amber Corey

Amber oversees the daily operations and helps to manage the regular court hearings, 医生的预约, therapy, 牙医预约, family visits, activities, 为住在H的十个孩子安排了特别的郊游.O.M.E.

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Scott Cunningham

斯科特在密歇根州普利茅斯的一个大型教堂开始了他的牧师生涯. He served in various pastoral roles there for eight years, until he felt a call to move to Nicaragua.

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Linh Doan

"Where I grew up, there was a widespread suspicion of what higher education can do to your Christian faith. C. S. 刘易斯说服了我...and here I am!"

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Get Ready...Go!

Lenae Gabriel

When Lenae attended Hope her passion for international missions had already been ignited. 作为一个布道家的女儿, Lenae grew up witnessing the miracles God performed on mission trips and felt called to continue on this road.

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Justin Gearing

Justin Gearing (BA '03) felt a call to serve outside the United States during his post-HIU graduation backpacking trip in Europe. 此后,吉尔林在爱尔兰建立了一座教堂.

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Keith & Kathy Ham

表彰他们在传教领域的杰出工作, Keith and Kathy Ham were honored with the Ministry Award at the 2013 Spirit of Hope Celebrity Concert & Award.

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Keith & Kathy Ham

Keith (B.A. '86, M.A. '90) and Kathy (B.A. '88) Ham have spent seven years working with the Christian Missionary Fellowship (CMF).

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Vonda Hamilton


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John Hendee

Perhaps Hendee's most impactful achievement to date is "It's All About Relationship (IAAR)," which provides a strategic framework for sharing the Gospel with others in a personal, 尊重的方式.

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Jay Hewitt

在收到我的诊断后, 我越来越想做, and enjoying, 与他人的密切联系:首先是我的妻子和女儿, 然后是我的亲密朋友和信仰团体."

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Jeremy Jernigan

Jeremy Jernigan (BA '06) has initiated a new method for reaching the generations of youth and young adults immersed in the postmodern culture.

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Cal Jernigan

Cal Jernigan has served on the staff of Central Christian Church of Arizona since 1987, 自1999年初起担任主任牧师.

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Christopher LaPel

乍一看,克里斯托弗·拉佩尔(Christopher LaPel, 1994届硕士)的生活似乎相当普通. He loves God, is committed to serving the Lord, and is a leader of two dynamic ministries.

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Dale & Diana Lawrence

“我感觉到上帝在召唤我的家人开始一项新的工作,戴尔·劳伦斯(Dale Lawrence)回忆道, MA '09). 透过祷告和指引,亚利桑那保留地事工(ARM)诞生了."

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Patrick Lightfoot

帕特里克和他的妻子响应号召,为温莎社区服务, Colorado, 他们的教会派他们去建立特拉弗斯基督教堂.

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Bestowing Hope

Carol Matthews

卡罗尔·马修斯(74届学士), MBA '02, MA '16) passion for fulfilling the Great Commission has manifested in her life as Bestowing Hope Ministries (BHM).

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Battling Burnout

Lee McClanathan

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An Exemplary Work

Joni和Nangsar Morse

Joni (MA '83) and Nangsar (AA '82) Morse have been based in Chaing Mai in northern Thailand since 1975.

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Over 35 years ago, Larry (BA '64) and Judy (BA '70) Niemeyer began their missionary service. Two years in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) ended unfortunately and they returned to the US in 1969.

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Stephen Pate

Stephen Pate(07届文学士), MA '11) spent the summer before his senior year at 希望国际大学 (HIU) serving as an intern with Tumaini International Ministries in Kenya.

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Nicole Rowan

当她感受到神对她生命的呼召,成为全职的事工, Nicole Rowan (BA '10) transferred from the University of Kentucky to HIU so she could study God's word while majoring in journalism.

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Bryan Sands

HIU校园事工主任, 布莱恩·桑兹(91届文学士), 对指导年轻人有深刻的承诺吗. At HIU, Bryan oversees chapel, small groups, mission trips, and mentors students. On a typical work day Bryan is often visited by students to chat, pray, and talk about issues. 在HIU的六年里, Sands已经带领了30多次爱事工的外展之旅, 与HIU胜博发体育app一起为墨西哥的家庭建造房屋.

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Sex. It's a topic a lot of people would shy away from but not Elizabeth (Creech) Shafer (BA '04). She is addressing the issue of teens' sexual activity and the impact sex through the Pure Sex program.

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Tees for Poverty

Tyler Patterson & Trevor Smith

Tyler Patterson, Treveor Smith, Matt Donahue, and Gianna Persico collaborated to create an organization dedicated to raising awareness for and combating the efforts of poverty.

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Pocketful of Hope

Trevor Smith

Trevor Smith received his Bachelor's degree in Biblical Studies in May 2010, but he began preaching at Lake Elsinore First Christian Church (LEFCC) while he was still a student.

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Finding Hope...and Sharing It!


It all began one night in jail when 康斯坦斯史蒂文森 (BS '13) cried out desperately to God after learning of the death of her ex-husband.

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A Global Gospel

Jon Taylor


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Matt Thompson

"I have a passion to develop other leaders and to watch those I work with grow in their ministries."

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Jessica Vance

通过她的组织, Kaleidoscope, Vance works primarily with third-culture kids who are the offspring of American missionaries.

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A Servant's Heart

Arty VanGeloof

Arty VanGeloof (BA '82) is recognized for his work as a Family Pastor at Eastside Christian Church in Fullerton, CA. However, his title only hints at the scope of his influence for God's Kingdom.

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詹妮弗·霍普·韦伯斯特(B.A. '86) is the Founder, President, and CEO of the Christian non-profit organization, Chat with God.org Ministries, Inc.

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Ashley Wooldridge

阿什利相信他是在一个激动人心的时刻成为主任牧师的.“人们一直在指出教会的衰落趋势, 但改变人们生活的机会是巨大的!" Ashley says.

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Lisa Jernigan and Patty Wyatt decided in 2000 to found an organization focused on serving and empowering what they consider to be overlooked and underutilized group in the church: women.

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