Tuition and Costs

2024-2025 (Traditional Undergraduate)
Tuition Schedule
  • Annual
  • Semester

Additional charge per unit for more than 18 units $1,450
Charge per unit for 1-11 units (part time) $1,600
Enrollment deposit (see application process) $325
Application fee, non-refundable $50
Student fee, per year (6 units or more) $1,300
Parking fee per year $400
Logos软件费用-教育部专业(仅限新生) $550
商标软件费用-所有其他专业(仅限新生) $150
Process and testing fee for course challenge $75
通过课程挑战获得的每单位学分的学费 $650
先前学习学分(CPL)申请费 $150
Tuition per unit of credit granted for CPL $300
Late registration fee (Fall, Spring) $75
Audit fee (per unit) $100
Service charge for returned check $50
Transcript request fee $15/each
Fee to replace lost or damaged diploma $25
Late payment fee $50
Incomplete Paperwork Fee (per occurrence) $50
私人钢琴,管风琴,声音,或器乐课程,包括练习室. (当胜博发体育app报名参加合奏团时,私人课程可享受折扣. see information in the music office)
  • 2 units:
  • 1 unit:
Quad $5,850
Double $7,200
Single $9,150
Meal Plans:
  • Everyday Commons All Access(21餐+每学期$200 Flex Dollars)
  • 工作日公共资源全部访问(15餐+每学期200美元弹性美元)
  • Block 160(每学期160次刷卡+ $350 Flex Dollars)
    available only to juniors and seniors
  • Block 80(每学期刷80次+ $150 Flex Dollars)
  • Block 60 (60 swipes per semester)
  • Block 30 (30 swipes per semester)
Residence hall deposit $300


Hope 保留随时更改学杂费的权利. Tuition and fees listed are effective June 1, 2024.


大学保留更改退款政策的权利, fees, and expenses without notice.

All charges are due in full July 14, 2024. 注册尚未完成,胜博发体育app可能无法上课,直到与胜博发体育app会计部达成满意的财务安排. 满意的财务安排包括以下付款方式之一, 或经济援助等于或大于每学期的费用. 如果经济援助计划不等于或超过估计费用, 胜博发体育app将被要求签署一份如上所述的付款计划协议.

在宿舍入住日和/或上课第一天,经济援助文件未完成的胜博发体育app将被要求支付经济援助未涵盖的估计余额的五分之一, will be charged the student accounts late fee, 如果在8月31日之前没有完成经济资助,则会被解雇, 2024 (January 26, 2025 for Spring semester).

Payment Plan Options - Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Fees Payment Due Date

每年的学费、杂费、食宿费等费用应于 July 1st. 在此日期之后付款,最终确定经济援助要求(如贷款申请) & approval of revised awards) after this date, 或在此日期之后完成满意的付款安排构成“延迟”提交满意的财务安排,并导致胜博发体育app账户的文书费用.

Payment Plan Options

Payment in Full -每年的学费、杂费、食宿费在每学期开始前支付.

Payment Plan -每月分期付款,余额在每学期结束前全部付清. 每次逾期付款将收取50美元的滞纳金. 参加该计划的人必须在6月1日之前完成,以避免在错过的几个月里支付大量的欠款.


未能在学分注册截止日期前支付学校的款项,将被开除, dormitory, 还有自助餐厅的特权以及暂停参加期末考试和/或获得期末成绩的权利. 每个学期结束时,胜博发体育app的账户余额必须为零. 查看胜博发体育app门户网站的活期账户信息是胜博发体育app的责任, Statements are not mailed. 选择分期付款计划的胜博发体育app同意在签署的时间表上付款. If the account is not paid when due, 胜博发体育app将负责希望国际大学收取未付欠款所产生的一切费用. Such cost may include, but are not limited to late fees, collections costs, attorney fees, and court costs.


注册时收取的费用构成合同,注册人有义务全额付款. 因为大学的费用是按年计算的, 为使胜博发体育app退学,学校和胜博发体育app可以公平分担学费损失,学校制定了以下学分表. Fees are generally non-refundable. 接受第四章经济援助的胜博发体育app如果完全退出,则需要遵守补充经济援助按比例退款政策. 请向胜博发体育app经济援助办公室提出问题.


Within the first week of the semester - 90% credit
在学期的第二和第三周内- 60%的学分
在学期的第四和第五周内- 30%的学分
After the fifth week of semester - NO CREDIT

上述信用证是整个合同的百分比, 不是提款日期所支付金额的百分比.

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